Remote staffing helps business owners accommodate immediate needs in hiring, and to also meet any unexpected demands in any team, regardless of the domain and the size of the team. It helps ensure that you find the best candidates too.


Remote staffing solutions involve people working from their homes or elsewhere generally in another part of the world, getting the work done for an organization through collaboration among themselves and/or with those sitting in an office.

Remote staff may be directly hired and managed by the organization or through an HR consulting company of repute, which will not only verify the background of each candidate but conduct screening assessments and interviews to shortlist the best candidates among them.

What are the Benefits of Remote Staffing?

1People are more satisfied and productive
In remote staffing, the people get to work from the comfort of their homes or other places. This brings more satisfaction into their lives and in turn leads to an increase in productivity.
2Talent pools grow bigger
Remote staffing ensures that the talent pool grows bigger with the diverse and increasing number of choices that are available globally for you to hire from.
3Increased agility in the workforce
The workforce as a whole gains a higher agility from the fact that now the work can be delegated in the right manner, someone can take on the work instead of another if the latter is occupied etc.
4Reduction in commute time
The commute time is reduced significantly as employees are working from the comfort of their homes or a nearby café, which will allow them to devote more time to work or maintaining work-life balance.
5Turnover rates will be much lower
Turnover rates are much lower, thanks to increased employee satisfaction and higher productivity rates and consequent reward and recognition means employees are likely to stay loyal to the company.
6Employees save money
Employees are able to save a lot of money, which they would otherwise spend on their commute, and they may earn a lot also by picking a higher paying company that has a global presence.
7The environment endures less abuse
With remote work and people working from their homes, the pollution that happens during the commute is reduced. Overconsumption of coffee and other beverages also reduce and hence the stress on the environment of making them is also reduced.

What are the Jobs Suitable for Remote Staffing?

Why should you opt for a Remote Staffing Agency?

Many businesses worldwide use remote staffing agencies.

1Save Time
Staffing companies generally have a large database of candidates of varying skill levels. These candidates are carefully selected and added to the talent pool after thoroughly vetting them. This reduces the time to hire drastically. Studies show that staffing agencies might take only one-third the time it takes to hire for a position.
2Hire Fast
Everything is set up and ready for the hiring process. There is very little friction at each stage of the hiring as remote staffing is generally managed by a staffing agency. They may have been hired for similar roles in the past and the process is a lot faster as they have a wider net they can spread to hire candidates.
Additional staff can be added as and when required, giving you greater flexibility. The staffing agency can negotiate the terms of employment with the new hire on your behalf. They can explain the responsibilities in a clearer manner and will maintain accountability for the actions of the remote workers.
4Hire Quality Professionals
Recruiters from staffing agencies know where to hire the right people. They already know the areas where there is a concentration of a certain skill set or talent. They know schools that are prestigious, and they can distinguish the right kind of experience too. All of this eventually leads to quality hire when you go with a staffing agency.
5Managing compliance
Whether it is for payroll or other compliance that you need their help, a staffing agency, especially a good one in Bangalore, is ready to help you manage it. They would have prior experience handling compliance for other companies which gives them extensive experience and simplifies the process for them.
6Confidential Hiring
Some employees or even employers may want to maintain confidentiality during the hiring process. This is especially the case in sensitive roles where the accountability required is higher. Staffing companies today will include such conditions in the contract and ensure that the confidentiality is maintained and both employer and the remote specialist involved are happy.

Our Remote Staffing Models

In this world 56% of companies today allow remote work. This is incredible news and great for the future of remote work. Of these, only 16% are fully remote. Let us now look at the different remote staffing models, one of which would definitely be followed in your company too in Bangalore or elsewhere.

1Asynchronous Working Remotely
In this remote working model, the work of remote teams is not in sync with each other, in other words, they are not all online at the same time. This is great when each person works at his/her own pace and tries to maintain maximum productivity.
2Synchronous Working Remotely
In this remote working model, everyone working remotely is working together at the same time, even if they are in different time zones. This increases the collaboration between members in teams, bringing tasks to completion in a much faster way.
3Hybrid – Flexible
In this case, there are both office and work from home options provided to the employees. They can choose when to work from home and when to work from the office. This ensures flexibility and adaptability in the workforce.
4Hybrid – Inflexible
In this type of work, the work from home and work from office options are fixed and happen on certain days only. This means that everyone in the team will either be working from home or from the office on any given day. Flexibility is less here.

Why Alp for Remote Staffing?

Alp Consulting is one of the world leaders in remote staffing. We can meet the needs of startups as well as Fortune 500 companies. With more than a decade of remote staffing solutions experience, we are here to help you build that dream remote team. Talk to us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

1What are remote staffing solutions?
Remote staffing solutions are provided by staffing agencies. A remote staffing solution helps companies hire remote staff, without any of the benefits that they generally offer their regular employees. Instead, the terms of employment are decided by a contract.
2How do I hire a remote staffing agency?
Understand what your needs are, what roles you need to fill and how quickly you need to fill them. Second, decide on the budget you can allocate to this and ensure that the accepted quotes stay within this limit and satisfy your hiring needs.
3How fast can I hire remote staff?
Remote staff can be hired really fast. A good staffing agency will make a big difference here as they would have access to a larger talent pool, which they can leverage to hire remote staff much faster for your company.
4Is hiring remote staff from India safe?
India has the best talent in the world, with several Indians being pioneers in the Silicon Valley, as well as working in crucial roles in NASA etc. So, India has the best talent, and if you pick the right staffing agency, they will connect you with trustworthy people only. We are just a call away.
5How efficient are Alp remote staff?
The remote staff on the payroll of Alp are highly efficient, as they are chosen by some of the best recruiters in the world; recruiters who have experience hiring in the specific domain and for several years.

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