Best Recruitment Agency in Bangalore

Leaders and other stakeholders in organizations want recruits who are a gold mine of talent, waiting to be discovered and molded into something everyone in the organization can be proud of. But how do you get such recruits from the many millions applying for jobs every day?
How do you make sure your ATS is working optimally and that you are attracting the right talent? These are not easy questions to answer by oneself, so what must you do? If you do not wish to spend your time going over hundreds of resumes and disqualifying them eventually, then you need the assistance of a recruitment agency. Have you already landed on the page of the best recruitment agency in Bangalore? The answer is yes, and now let’s see why!

Alp Consulting is one of the best recruitment agencies in the world because we not only secure great recruits for you, but we also offer an array of HR services under our umbrella of recruitment process outsourcing, staffing, payroll, and compliance services. So, what exactly can you expect from a good recruitment consultant in Bangalore?

Benefits of a Recruitment Agency


Faster and automated updates

As a leader in the organization, you want to focus more on operations and strategy to guide your company onwards to a better future, and sometimes you would feel that interviewing individual candidates or updating the list of shortlisted candidates can be a tedious task. You can relieve yourself of such responsibilities and focus on what you feel directly impacts the ROI of your company. This is not to say that people are not important, they are, and which is why you need the support of a recruitment agency.


Go paperless

The world is going digital. Now you can reduce dependence on paper, and thereby contribute to the cause of sustainability and improve the accuracy of data collection. All your data is no longer stored in stacks on stacks of paper; it is instead stored in a database with your recruitment consultant in Bangalore, and you will have secure access to the information too and be able to use it whenever you want.


Specialized software and tools

Recruitment consultants in Bangalore use specialized software and tools. Some software such as the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) tracks every candidate application received, analyzes them for specific keywords the recruitment team is looking for and then selects a few and discards the rest. The recruiter may use other analytics tools in combination with an ATS to understand the candidate's background and to assign a figure of quality to each one. This method allows companies to potentially screen as many as thousands of resumes for a single job role.


Reduced costs and customized packages

The costs of recruitment are highly reduced when you avail yourself of the services of a recruitment agency. A recruitment agency, especially the best recruitment agency in Bangalore, will give you more specific options and reduce the time it takes and the costs of recruitment.

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How Alp Consulting Can Help with Your Recruitment

As one of the best recruitment agencies worldwide, Alp Consulting provides several recruitment services. Let us look at some of them now:


Permanent staffing

If you are looking for a permanent employee for the long term, who will be a good cultural fit for your company, then you need to avail the services of a permanent staffing provider. With access to a large database of worthy connections, expect your needs to be met promptly.


Temporary staffing

You may not want to absorb an employee full time but keep the ball rolling by recruiting to assist existing employees. In such a case, you need a temporary staffing solution. Such temporarily recruited staff may need to be paid much less and not be offered employee privileges, will still be reliable, and match productivity and other work requirements, especially if you use Alp Consulting, one of the best recruitment consultants in Bangalore.


Employee leasing

In employee leasing, a number of employees are taken on the company’s payroll temporarily from other companies for a specified period, to handle the work in an orderly manner. This allows the company that leases to not hire them as permanent employees but with a clear contract which will help set the right expectation for the leased employees.


Recruitment process outsourcing

In recruitment process outsourcing, all or specific functions in recruitment are outsourced to specific consultants so that the recruitment process moves ahead smoothly. There are three ways in which this service is rendered: success based, activity based and recruiter on demand.


Master vendor services

Sometimes a bridge of understanding is required between the company and the recruitment agencies working with it. Alp provides master vendor services which help coordinate the activities of individual recruitment agencies working with the main company. Every supplied resource and payment due for it will be tracked efficiently.

How to Choose a Recruitment Consulting Agency in Bangalore

There is a simple three-step method to ensure you get the best recruitment consultants for you. Yes, it is as simple as hiring a great recruitment consultant. Here are the things that you must do:

Narrow down your search to a few recruitment agencies
Shortlist top agencies that provide recruitment services and help hiring candidates in the area you want them to be in – onsite or remote in an international location. Alp Consulting has won over 15 awards for recruitment consulting and would be active in your area.
Analyze your needs and allocate a budget
Analyze what your current hiring need is and set a budget for yourself. This will include the job roles to be filled, the salary you can afford, the tenure you expect them to be employed for and the compensations and concessions you can offer. Stay well within the budget and see if your needs can be met by the recruitment consultant.
Set your expectations right from the get-go
When talking to recruiters in a city like Bangalore, set the right expectations. Interview each recruiter who is a part of their team and see if they will be suitable for the job and understand if they have team members who can address all your requirements. Make sure they are familiar with industry practices and can relate to the job roles you need to have filled.
Finalize if they are within your budget or if you can pay a bit more.
Is the quote that the recruitment agency has offered within your budget? Are there any other requirements you may have at a later stage? Have all your needs been addressed? If so, then you can proceed with the recruitment consultant.


On the lookout for the best recruitment agency in Bangalore, to fulfill your talent requirements? Look no further. Having won several laps of honor, Alp Consulting is at the finish line waiting to speak to people like you. The good news, you don’t have to run several laps to get to us, just pick up that phone and give us a ring or write to us! Go with Alp, the best recruiters in Bangalore.

Frequently Asked Questions

1How can Alp Consulting assist you?
Alp Consulting can provide the following services to you: Permanent staffing, temporary staffing, employee leasing, recruitment process outsourcing and executive search, Payroll outsourcing, Compliance, where we hire leaders who make strategic decisions for your company.
2How much does recruitment agency cost in India?
A recruitment agency can charge anywhere between 8.3% to 15% of the salary of a candidate to assist with the recruitment process. Though it is possible a recruitment agency may levy individual service charges, such as candidate registration, examination costs, etc.

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