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11/09/2024Strategic talent acquisition with the right methods of recruitment is very important for an organization’s success. It will help support the organization in urgent situations, when it is trying to scale and needs more people, and the right people. The right kind of recruitment can help eliminate ineligible candidates from the talent pipeline and establish the right kind of connect with those who are eligible for the role. But strategic recruitment begins with the right methods of recruitment.
10 Different Recruitment Methods
There are established modern methods of recruitment. Let us now look at 10 effective methods in recruitment, with how each one becomes beneficial and when it is applicable. We will also look at how each is implemented and whether you need the assistance of a recruitment partner like Alp Consulting or not.
1. Direct Advertising
The use of a website or platform to advertise the jobs in your company rather than availing the services of a recruitment agency is called direct advertising. Direct advertising makes use of job portals where the job needs are posted. The job needs could also be posted on the company’s website.
2. Passive Candidate Databases
Passive candidate databases that hold information about candidates currently working and not actively looking for a job are also very useful. Such databases are usually maintained by recruitment agencies. Passive candidate databases also need regular updates to ensure that the latest information is available when needed.
3. Social Media Recruiting
Recruitment through posts on social media or job portals on social media websites is also very effective. Social media recruitment is very effective as it helps build your employer brand as well and not just get you the best talent. It is also livelier and more energetic and helps showcase your company’s culture and what you value in a very meaningful and direct way.
4. Employee Referrals
When you want talent that is a great culture fit, this is the best option. Employee referrals make use of recommendations by existing employees who they think would make a great fit for the job role that has been internally advertised. Employee referrals also help save a bit of money and motivate your employees to help you in the talent search.
5. Promotions and Transfers
Promotions are a way of using internal mobility to the company’s advantage. The existing employees can be trained and assigned to suitable positions higher up in the organization if they are found suitable. Transfers to other locations is another possibility to help with recruitment.
6. Recruitment Agencies
Availing the services of recruitment agencies like Alp Consulting that have a track record of serving hundreds of top companies worldwide is another option. Recruitment agencies can give you an advantage in three ways:
- They can help recruit passive candidates
- They can help recruit highly experienced talent
- They can considerably reduce the hiring time
7. Professional Organizations
Professional organizations and associations help specify what qualifications and skills would be required for what role and help connect the employer with the right candidates who would have worked with them in the past or earned a certification or degree from them. A lot of people choose to register themselves with professional organizations. And so, this method of recruitment becomes a very easy way to network jobseekers and employers.
8. Internships
Now we are talking about a different type of recruitment, very different from a full-time employee. Internship is an option for companies to employ candidates (generally freshers) for a short duration with or without pay. The company is not liable to offer any of the benefits or the work arrangements that it generally offers its regular employees. Internship is very useful when you are recruiting candidates for easily manageable jobs or those which require internal training and where you cannot really accommodate experienced people.
9. Apprenticeship
Of the different recruitment methods, apprenticeship is gaining in popularity. Apprenticeship is a government-instituted employment plan where companies can employ graduates or those with less experience in technical or non-technical roles, where the training will be provided by the company or a training partner under the NAPS (National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme). Apprentices need to be paid a fixed stipend both before and after training, but they need not be offered any of the benefits you offer your regular employees.
10. Recruitment Events
Recruitment can happen in exhibitions or meetups too. Otherwise, it could be a formal recruitment event like a career or job fair. These recruitment events will help connect jobseekers with prospective employers where they can discuss career growth paths and company culture in an open manner. Recruitment events provide a unique offline face-to-face experience that is impossible to replace easily and can be the choice for more discerning jobseekers and employers. These recruitment events may be conducted by the employer or by a third party such as a recruitment agency.
Closing Words
There are other methods of recruitment too, such as employment exchanges and hiring boomerang employees, but we listed the ten most popular among them. Once you have a recruitment method you wish to use, you then move to the next stage, that of screening processes and assessment techniques before actual interviews and onboarding. There’s still a lot of work to be done on the recruitment path. And opting to work with a recruitment and staffing partner of repute like Alp Consulting can save you a lot of time and money. Talk to us today!