When there is a supply chain disruption, rising energy costs, natural calamities, or geopolitical risks that lead to economic uncertainty, your first instinct as a business […]
What perspective should HR take? A people-focused perspective, as it was in the good old days when analytics wasn’t so advanced so that numbers could play […]
HR stands for human resources. Simply put, they manage the entire employee lifecycle (recruiting, training, and everything else until firing) and they also administer benefits and […]
Feedback is crucial to ensure everyone works in a workplace that supports collaboration, avoids confusion and minimizes dissent and dissatisfaction. People at the workplace will have […]
HRD and HRM although interconnected are two very distinct concepts. The difference between HRM (Human Resource Management) and HRD (Human Resource Development) lies in their functionality. […]
HR and Payroll are two separate departments (or teams), who have related responsibilities. They both take care of employee needs, and therefore a lot of information […]