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05/12/2024Acquiring the right talent for a particular role can be very challenging. As high as 77% of all companies report facing talent shortages. This is not because of a lack of talent in the world. It is because of the lack of talent with the exact skills companies want. The right talent acquisition practices might help bridge this gap. And understanding the difference, that is talent acquisition vs. recruitment, is also very crucial.
What is Talent Acquisition?
Identifying and hiring skilled candidates through strategic and innovative techniques to meet an organization’s needs is called talent acquisition. But is that not recruitment, you might ask? The answer is no. Talent acquisition is a lot more strategic than the general term recruitment. In this blog, we will look at talent acquisition trends in 2025 and how talent acquisition and recruitment are different in more detail.
5 Talent Acquisition Trends in 2025
Artificial Intelligence in Focus
Artificial Intelligence has been revolutionizing different fields, impacting talent acquisition too. As companies focus on hiring full-time employees for permanent roles, AI has a crucial role to play, that of drawing insights from a ton of data and even shortlisting the right candidates for the roles.
Employee Well-Being Back to Being a Major Goal
It’s great to see employee well-being trending like this. It is indeed one of the core pillars of talent acquisition, to ensure that the employees in the company or those recruited into it are not burdened and that they have a good work-life balance.
Focus on Critical Skills is Heartening
The focus on critical skills such as active listening, analytics, and knowledge of how AI will help simplify what they are expected to do are crucial workplace skills that anyone applying for most technical roles in the future is expected to know.
Virtual Recruitment Is the Future
Talent Acquisition teams will work remotely, recruiting from anywhere they are. This is especially the case because highly skilled candidates may be in a different time zone and recruiters may need to screen and ask them relevant questions outside of active hours.
Analytics Will Improve Talent Acquisition Outcomes
The discovery, interpretation and communication of meaningful data will have a great impact on the talent acquisition process. It can lead to better planning, simplified hiring techniques and more focused hiring across all verticals in a company.
Talent Acquisition vs. Recruitment – What’s the Difference?
1. Long-Term vs Short-Term Need
Talent acquisition vs. recruitment – how exactly are they different? Recruitment is mostly about hiring for a short-term need which needs to be completed in a much shorter time whereas talent acquisition is about hiring for a well-planned need and for a longer tenure. Because their goals are different, the strategies used in talent acquisition are also different from those used in recruitment.
2. More Time Needed for Talent Acquisition
In talent acquisition, the strategies involve more focus on preplanning, setting a budget and a focus on long-term goals rather than just meeting the requirements for a project. So, typically, talent acquisition takes more time than recruitment. It is also better to take more time, especially if you are not looking at passive candidates, as it will give you candidates of much higher quality.
3. Calculated vs. Reactive
Talent acquisition also needs more experience and expertise and a fair bit of knowledge of workforce planning, even if that doesn’t happen as compared to recruitment. This is because talent acquisition teams need to look back from the goals, they have prepared for themselves, and see how they can get there, whereas recruitment is more of a reactive kind of job and the proactiveness comes mostly in cases where recruiters follow up with older contacts.
4. Different Use Cases
This point may or may not be true in your specific case. It is observed generally that the companies that are small, starting out in an area, and rapidly expanding have more reason to use talent acquisition, as their needs are long term, they want to build a great employer brand, and their focus is on employee well-being. For other cases, recruitment is generally the way forward.
5. Could Involve Succession Planning and Internal Mobility
While recruitment mainly focuses on hiring fresh faces and does not bring in the current composition of the company into the picture, talent acquisition proceeds differently. Talent acquisition involves succession planning and internal mobility (which could be a transfer to a different location or a different role) too when they are trying to fill a vacancy.
Are You Looking for a Talent Acquisition Partner?
Talent acquisition is not a one-way street. It does not involve a talent acquisition team just pinging the candidates they like, engaging with them, accepting them if they are selected and rejecting them if they are not. No communication afterward. It is a two-way street, where there is an ongoing dialogue between recruiter and recruit, and a constant nurturing of a candidate-recruiter relationship.
It is not easy, but when someone with over two decades of experience in talent acquisition like Alp Consulting takes over, it can become easy. Establish relationships with candidates, conduct screening assessments that filter out the best candidates for the role, and analyze the cultural fit of every candidate. These are some of the capabilities you have when you work with a talent acquisition partner.
1. What is the main role of talent acquisition?
The main role of talent acquisition is to hire for long-term roles that are of great importance and probably at an executive level. We offer an executive search too, if you are looking to particularly hire leaders for your organization.
2. What are the goals of recruitment?
The goal of recruitment is the filling of short-term and non-critical vacancies with the best talent. Recruitment also must happen in as little time as possible. Recruitment also generally happens on a very specific budget, and it is important that these goals are met.
3. Does talent acquisition fall under HR?
Talent Acquisition is most certainly a part of HR. It is one of the strategic activities of HR and differs from the day-to-day administrative duties of HR. But talent acquisition much like workforce management is today being considered a separate discipline and carried out by recruitment and staffing agencies.
4. Who handles talent acquisition?
Many talent acquisition specialists led by a talent acquisition manager or consultant is responsible for talent acquisition in most companies. They could be a part of the HR team or a separate team working towards talent acquisition.
5. Does recruitment fall under HR?
Recruitment is a part of HR and involves everything from sourcing and screening to interviewing and onboarding in the company. It could involve a bit of initial training post onboarding, though in most cases not so. Recruitment is more tactical in nature, whereas talent acquisition is more strategic.