

Do Mass Layoffs Help Companies Cut Costs or Are They Costly Mistakes?

We live in an era where reading news about layoffs has become commonplace every morning. It’s almost starting to feel like there isn’t a major league […]

Why Should Companies Opt for NAPS or NATS Scheme and Hire Apprentices?

Apprenticeship is one of the most promising and efficient ways of nurturing talent and developing skilled manpower for the country. It provides the much-needed window to […]

Recruiting Hacks to Streamline Your Hiring Process

Industries are aware that recruitment processes are long-drawn and complicated. Companies that want to keep their productivity ascending must have a strong talent acquisition strategy in […]

How to Make Hybrid Work Actually Work?

Hybrid work is no longer just wishful thinking or a trend. Hybrid work is happening, and companies are finding ways to make it work for them […]

How to Be More Productive at Work?

Do you ever feel like you have so much left to do but have so little time to do it? Are you often distracted although you […]

How Hiring External Leadership Talent Can Benefit Your Company?

When faced with the challenge of filling leadership positions in an organization, it is natural to look to the second-in-command. You would certainly think that the […]

How Can Data Analytics Improve Your Hiring Process?

The success of a company depends on the people related to it. According to a HBR survey, 71% of CEOs stated that human capital is the […]

The Increasing Role of AI in Talent Acquisition

We’re in the 4th industrial revolution, and we’re familiar with how AI has taken over every industry. Whether it’s Alexa, reminding you to order your ear […]

5 Key Trends Shaping the Future Workplace

In the post-pandemic world, how we work and the future workplace has changed dramatically. Organizations worldwide have been forced to adapt to socio-economic shifts. Two words, “Remote work”, […]